Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Guantanamo interrogation techniques


Gauntanamo Bay is where the US has a detainment camp for people outside of the Unisted States who theu believe are involved in terrorist activities. They keep them here, and use "interrogation" techniques to get information out of them. U.S. policy says that they have to be treated "humanely", but the Department of Defense has never really told what all they do to the detainees.

Then three is a table of the dates in which certain interrogation techniques have passed through the government.

There is a link on the side of the website however that has another table of what interrogation techniques are allowed to be used, and what has been passed, and is seen as "humane". That list includes things such as:

Use of mild, non-injurious physical contact such as grabbing, poking in the chest, and light pushing

Use of wet towel and dripping water to induce misperception of suffocation

Exposure to cold weather or water (with appropriate medical monitoring)

Threatening to transfer detainee to a country from which he would fear death or torture

Removal of comfort items (including religious items)
Sensory deprivation (light and auditory stimuli)

~All of these things have been approved to use, and these are just a few on a long list.

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