Saturday, October 6, 2007

Those fans will get ya...

Fan death is a Korean belief that if you are sleeping in a sealed room with an electric fan on, you could die. Apparently there are similar beliefs with air conditioners, and heaters in homes and cars.

How fans can kill you:

Hypothermia: if the fan is running in a closed room, it could make your body temperature lower so much that you could get hypothermia and die.

Suffocation: They believe that the fan creates a vacuum around your face which makes it impossible for you to breathe correctly. And if you can't breathe correctly, you die.

High Levels of Carbon Dioxide: They think that the fans use up oxygen and that it leaves levels of CO2 in the room at high levels.

The belief of fan death in Korea is is confirmed by the media as well as police officers. Professionals like doctors have even warned people of the dangers of fan death.

So now that you know the dangers of fans... always remember to keep a window open, or maybe a door.

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