Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween is coming...

This website is called "P.R.I.S.M" for Paranormal Research & Investigative Studies Midwest. This group is based in Omaha, NE and St. Louis, MO with satellite teams in these spots. Their goal is to record and capture as much evidence as possible to prove that paranormal exists. They are also like the ghostbusters because they can go to your house or place of business. Everything is free of charge, and no information will be released without the consent of those involved.

The website has a bunch of links at the sides with titles called "our investigations", and "our best evidence". They have an area where people can submit their own pictures of what they believe show ghosts or paranormal activity.

This site has a lot of things that you can look at that helps support them in their belief that there is paranormal. It's actually very interesting to look at.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cottingley Fairies

This website talks about the story of the Cottingley Fairy hoax.

In 1916/17 two girls names Frances and Elsie had been teased because they had told a story about them seeing fairies. Elsie borrowed her father's camera, took some pictures, and when they were developed there were pictures of the girls with fairies.
Mr. Wright, the developer banned her from using his camera again and put the pictures into a drawer. He thought that the fairies must have been made out of paper, but his wife however thought that it was real.

A year later Frances wrote letters to friends in South Africa talking about her everyday life and just mentioning the fairies in casual conversaiton, like it was an everyday thing. She put a picture in the envelope too.

Then, a couple years later Mrs. Wright went to a lecture on fairies and told the story of the pictures of the girls with fairies. People overheard her conversation and a man named Edward Gardner asked to see them. Gardner brought the pictures to a photographer who had the ability to examine them fully to see if they were authentic. The photographer said that they were completely genuine and unfaked. Gardner then wanted one other expert (Kodak's) to look at the photo and if they were not faked, he would write an article about them in the Strand article.

Kodak said that the pictures had not been tampered with, but fairies aren't real, so something is not right about the photo.

Gardner then went to Cottingley to interview and speak with Mrs. Wright and Elsie. So when the kids were out, Gardner went through the girl's rooms and looked around outside for any sign of something that would tell him the pictures were either real or fake. He didnt find anything. So in 1920 we published an article called "An Epoch Making Event- Fairies Photographed".

after that there was a lot of controversy and even more people coming out and saying that they saw fairies and wrote books about seeing fairies.

In 1983 Elsie wrote a letter saying that the fairies had been drawn by them, cut out, and pinned with hatpins. So that solved the mystery!

BUT in 1986 Frances maintained in her last television appearance that "there WERE fairies at Cottingley"

so the mystery lives on....

duh duh duh.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Those fans will get ya...

Fan death is a Korean belief that if you are sleeping in a sealed room with an electric fan on, you could die. Apparently there are similar beliefs with air conditioners, and heaters in homes and cars.

How fans can kill you:

Hypothermia: if the fan is running in a closed room, it could make your body temperature lower so much that you could get hypothermia and die.

Suffocation: They believe that the fan creates a vacuum around your face which makes it impossible for you to breathe correctly. And if you can't breathe correctly, you die.

High Levels of Carbon Dioxide: They think that the fans use up oxygen and that it leaves levels of CO2 in the room at high levels.

The belief of fan death in Korea is is confirmed by the media as well as police officers. Professionals like doctors have even warned people of the dangers of fan death.

So now that you know the dangers of fans... always remember to keep a window open, or maybe a door.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Illuminati are among us...

This aticle is all about the history and current status of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati was a secret society in the 18th century but were destroyed in 15 years of their starting. But the Illuminati is still out there, and trying to form a single world government with the Anti-christ, who is probably George Bush. Not only have the Illuminati succeeded, but according to this article, they now run every government and aspect of society.

The problem is because no one knows about them...and because there are no traces of them ever, that just makes them more dangerous. Which makes complete sense.
There are some people who also believe that the Illuminati are working with the anti-Christ and will destroy the world and bring about an Armageddon. The Illuminati have many people involved according to this, including the Kennedy family, Rockefeller, Onassis, and DuPont. These are just some major players.

Another main idea about the Illuminati is that they are run by aliens, and that they see everything in 4th dimensional time, not 3 dimensional like humans. This is thought of by David Icke. What is very amusing about this article is that Mr. Adachi's page is that he talks about the end of the world but then asks for money to his sponser to help with debt consolidation or a home loan... very nice.