Monday, September 24, 2007

did you know: there are cures for cancer...that no one knows about!

This article is about how the FDA knocks most of the practicioners of unconventional methods of cancer treatments out of thir studies, because if the people of the United States are not sick any more, then they lose money...and that's not cool.

The article began with him telling a story of how his foreign monther in coming to the United States was fooled by someone who wasn't even a real doctor. Her son, the author, had all these pimple things covering his body, so the "doctor" requested that he constantly boil his clothes and sheets, smear this lotion thing all over his body, and then sun lamp treatments. After he got second degree burns he went to a real doctor and was diagnosed with flea bites. The author is trying to gan the readers trust by telling some story about how he too has been fooled by fake doctors and how he would never so that to the reader.

According to this article, the United States is not very welcoming of new treatments and most things have to be FDA approved, which does not happen in most cases. The author makes a statement about the freedom te United States doesn't have compared to Germany and Russia, in these non-conventional practices.

Then the author goes on to talk about these certain things that can cure cancer, or AIDS, but does not go into how they are used, or what exactly it is. The first drug that can save pretty much everyone from getting cancer is called "Cesium Chloride". Apparently this isn't covered my insurance companies so the cost is very high for it, and it comes right out of your pocket. The second teatment is "oxygen therapies" which he means to be ozone, which is activated oxygen. He says that ozone can get rid of AIDS, but if the same dangerous lifestyle is continued, the virus can come back...

I found that to be very interesting. There is a cure for AIDS, and no one even knew about it...

The authr goes on to list a few more practices that aren't allowed in the United States, but have been very successful elsewhere. The author also makes a comment about how the United States is so dependent on drugs in their lives, seeing as everything goes wrong, that parents even find reasons to get their kids on drugs (ritalin) because they are preparing them for the future when everything will depend on the use of medicine and drugs.

I thought this article was very interesting. I had never known that urine, along with obscene amounts of vitamin C could cure so many diseases...
and since these are so easy to get, why aren't we? It must be the FDA... or it could be that I don't want to drink my own urine. That might be it.

1 comment:

The Eighth Earl of Sidcup said...

What a big silly. I had heard of some of the bogus cures myself. Someone tried to pawn off the urine one to my friend when her son was dying of brain cancer. It was the most depressing thing I ever had to do to tell her that if he had a cure for cancer, that he'd have his Nobel Prize by now.

The vitamin C guy, ironically, does have a Nobel Prize. 2 of them. Unshared prizes. In different fields. The problem is that that particular treatment is scoffed at by oncologists, who say that his research was flawed. Nonetheless, even brilliant people can be total crackpots at times.

The ozone thing is pretty interesting because it's actually dangerous for people. Ozone is not "activated" whatever the hell that means. It is instead a 3-oxygen molecule that is less stable than O2. "Activated" is word that is undefined and meaningless. It's a marketing tag.