Monday, September 24, 2007

did you know: there are cures for cancer...that no one knows about!

This article is about how the FDA knocks most of the practicioners of unconventional methods of cancer treatments out of thir studies, because if the people of the United States are not sick any more, then they lose money...and that's not cool.

The article began with him telling a story of how his foreign monther in coming to the United States was fooled by someone who wasn't even a real doctor. Her son, the author, had all these pimple things covering his body, so the "doctor" requested that he constantly boil his clothes and sheets, smear this lotion thing all over his body, and then sun lamp treatments. After he got second degree burns he went to a real doctor and was diagnosed with flea bites. The author is trying to gan the readers trust by telling some story about how he too has been fooled by fake doctors and how he would never so that to the reader.

According to this article, the United States is not very welcoming of new treatments and most things have to be FDA approved, which does not happen in most cases. The author makes a statement about the freedom te United States doesn't have compared to Germany and Russia, in these non-conventional practices.

Then the author goes on to talk about these certain things that can cure cancer, or AIDS, but does not go into how they are used, or what exactly it is. The first drug that can save pretty much everyone from getting cancer is called "Cesium Chloride". Apparently this isn't covered my insurance companies so the cost is very high for it, and it comes right out of your pocket. The second teatment is "oxygen therapies" which he means to be ozone, which is activated oxygen. He says that ozone can get rid of AIDS, but if the same dangerous lifestyle is continued, the virus can come back...

I found that to be very interesting. There is a cure for AIDS, and no one even knew about it...

The authr goes on to list a few more practices that aren't allowed in the United States, but have been very successful elsewhere. The author also makes a comment about how the United States is so dependent on drugs in their lives, seeing as everything goes wrong, that parents even find reasons to get their kids on drugs (ritalin) because they are preparing them for the future when everything will depend on the use of medicine and drugs.

I thought this article was very interesting. I had never known that urine, along with obscene amounts of vitamin C could cure so many diseases...
and since these are so easy to get, why aren't we? It must be the FDA... or it could be that I don't want to drink my own urine. That might be it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Denying the Holocaust...

The blog enrty that I had read is about why certain groups have denied that the Holocaust ever happened. In the west, the Holocaust itseslf isnt so much denied as the fundamental history. Like the gas chambers and the methods as to which the Jews were killed. However, in Germany where the Holocaust is denied is mostly coming from those who want to restore Germany's good name, as well as rehabilitate Fascism. In the Muslin world though, most of the denying is because the Islamic people are so infuriated that the Jews are being victimized by what has happened. The blog says that there are three main reasons why the Islamic people deny the Holocaust is because the want to make Europe look bad because they think Europe looks at itself as the tolerant and welcoming to outsiders. The second reason is because they want to demoralize the existence of Israel because they see themselves as the "legacy of the Nazis' victims" and the solution if another Holocaust were to happen. The last reason the blogger said is because they want to attack the United States because we use th Holocaust as a moral teaching against antisemitism.

The blogger said that if the United States along with the west and central Europe had not taken this stance on the Holocaust, there would be no point in denying it.

Then the issue of the Iranian President denying the Holocaust. The blog talks about the division that it has caused between the people and how there better not be a surge of people the agree with him and make him out to be some kind of martyr.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

UFO Believer...

*There has been UFO encounters with astronauts
  • Apollo 11 astronauts Aldrin and Armstrong reported to Mission Control before reaching the moon that they had spotted a cylindrical UFO
  • The conversation between these astronauts and Mission Control was picked up by other countries and published in newspapers, those of which have been suppressed in the United States.
  • It is claimed that Aldrin also saw a transparent being looking at him once he landed on the moon.

* The United States government has been covering up all UFO encounters

  • Because astronauts are mostly military officers, they could be sworn to silence by the US government
  • “Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions.” – reasoning as to what could explain why people are talking about seeing extraterrestrial
  • Articles published in other countries about UFOs or extraterrestrial are suppressed in the Unites States, leaving most information unavailable to the public.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This is my blog spot. I do what I want. This is the first one that I am going to write. Super exciting. I know. So I went home this weekend, it was pretty decent. A lot of my friends came back which is ridiculous because we've only been in school for about a week. Oh well. I had a good time. And I'm not going back home until I have to, like on breaks, because I forgot that all my friends at home suck.