Tuesday, December 4, 2007

college stereotypes


according to this college article, the main stereotypes on their campus are that all the kids do is drink, destroy property, and then have their parents pay the bill.


This article discusses that a lot of older generations this that college is full of a bunch of crazy party animals. Television and movies portray college life as different than what they really are.
Movies and television make say: like to party, stay out late, completely put aside their studies.

Truth is- hours of class during the day, work at least 20 hours, then study time at night or early morning. many college students are full of sleep depervation.

MTV show "Undressed" depicts college students with nothing but raging hormones. There are some that fit this category but many are concerned with that. The same goes for the Spring Break specials.

stereotypes for college life and the students are usually completely false.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The wonders of energy...


According to this website, the human energy field is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind and emotions.

Aura= energetic skin that holds all your inner energy bodies and outer body together.
Chakras= pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy in and out of body.

Your energy field is the instrument of wellness and the source of illness. Your body gets sick or unwell if you are not listening to it. When you become healthy again it's when you listen to our whole self and not just take medicine. Without personal change, you will eventually create another problem that will lead you back to the disease in the first place.

*your aura is a vibrational energy that surrounds your outer physical body in all directions, and it extends both internally and externally. It reacts to your every thought, word, feeling, choice and action instantly.

~the flow of the universe if from energy to matter: energy flows from your inner bodies to create the matter of your physical body.

- your bodies are a balance of six flowing fluid layers and strong grid structure
physical= green physical body. the layer of matter that you see, hear, smell,, touch and taste.
astral- red astral body. emotions and heart energy
causal- orange causal body. the "seed body" where experiences are stored. filters your perception of new information.
mental= blue mental body. attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.
etheric= purple etheric body. intuition, knowingness and guidance.
soul= white soul body. layer of energy that manifests as intuition, knowingness and guidance.

and much much more...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Faith Healing...


Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn was named ONE OF THE WORLDS TOP 4 PSYCHIC HEALERS by the National Examiner.

She says that faith healing is the activation of your own inner healing abilities.

She was born with a gift to see energy-fields inside and around the human body. With some time she discovered that certain cells within the body contaain the actual CAUSE for physical and emotional imbalance and that this information can be intuitively changed.

She found that there are three dimensions within and around us that determine our overall well-being and even our good or bad luck in life. It cannot be solved with technology or human logic. It can only be experienced in person...with the Dr. herself....

The rest of the website is her going on about her gift and giving inspirational quotes.



Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent or parents other than the birth mother or father.

Inter -Country Adoptions:

- adopting children from all over the world has steadily increased in the last decade. Over 20,000 inter-country adoptions are taking place per year in addition to more than 200,000 foreign-adopted children already living in the US.

-the US Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Services all play a role in the adoption process

-Prospective parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with inter-country adoption processes before filing applications. An adoption agency is helpful for guidance and assistance with immigration of orphans and adopted children.

There are 2 LEGAL ways to bring an adopted child into the country. Form 1-130 which is that you have the child in your primary care for two years, and then you can file the petition for an alien relative. And then there is form 1-600 which means you can petition to have that child adopted at any time, even if it takes place after they turn 16 or 18.

If the child is older, it is harder to adopt them except there are two exceptions: 1. biological siblings of a child can be adopted if under 18 years of age, and 2. orphans over the age of 16 may be adopted as long as the 1-600 petition was filed before their 16th birthday.

open adoption- the adopted child/person has access to her file and records. In the US the adults adopted as children can only access their birth records in Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, New Hampshire, and Oregon.

semi-open adoption- the birth parents may meet the adoptive parents one or several times but nothing more. Letters and pictures may be exchanged. The relationship can change to be open or closed over the years

closed adoption- non-identifying information such as medical records are shared until the point of placement. After the adoption is legalized, no further information is shared between the adoptive and birth parents. In some other cases, no information is shared at all.

Types of adoption:
Domestic adoption- within the country that he/she was born and normally resides.
Foster care adoption
Intra-family adoption- step parents or through surrender, the death of a parent, or hen the birthparent cannot care for the child and another family member steps in.

Same-sex couples: Very unclear in the United States. Judges and clerks vary on criteria.

Costs: adoption costs and assistance vary between countries. In some countries it is illegal to charge for an adoption, while in others, adoptions must be facilitated on a non-profit basis. adoption programs will give assistance, especially with their expenses. In the United States there is a $10,390 tax credit for adoption.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Guantanamo interrogation techniques


Gauntanamo Bay is where the US has a detainment camp for people outside of the Unisted States who theu believe are involved in terrorist activities. They keep them here, and use "interrogation" techniques to get information out of them. U.S. policy says that they have to be treated "humanely", but the Department of Defense has never really told what all they do to the detainees.

Then three is a table of the dates in which certain interrogation techniques have passed through the government.

There is a link on the side of the website however that has another table of what interrogation techniques are allowed to be used, and what has been passed, and is seen as "humane". That list includes things such as:

Use of mild, non-injurious physical contact such as grabbing, poking in the chest, and light pushing

Use of wet towel and dripping water to induce misperception of suffocation

Exposure to cold weather or water (with appropriate medical monitoring)

Threatening to transfer detainee to a country from which he would fear death or torture

Removal of comfort items (including religious items)
Sensory deprivation (light and auditory stimuli)

~All of these things have been approved to use, and these are just a few on a long list.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Edgar Cayce


Edgar Cayce was an average person, he was a husband, a father, a photographer, a sunday school teacher, and a gardener, but he also had a psychic talent...

Cayce could go into a "sleep state" where he would lay down on a couch, close his eyes and fold his hands over his stomach. He would be able to go to any time or place and answer any questions. They called his answers "readings". He was very before his time, talking about maintaining a well balanced diet and improving human relationships to overcoming life-threatening illnesses and experiencing a closer relationship with God.

Most of his works and materials are still in tact and the Association for Research and Enlightenment, ICE (A.R.E). He was able to predict things that you wouldnt be able able to know about in his time. He predicted the downfall of communism , and he also used words like "meditation", "spiritual growth", "auras", and "soul mates" and "holism". These words will be used in everyday vocab later on.

Given the name and location of any inividual, he would be able to lay on his couch and answer any questions asked about that person. These are all documented at A.R.E. and it's the most massive collection of psychic information maintained from a single source. They say that he is one of the most versatile and credible psyhics the world has ever known.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Nandi Bear


They say that the Nandi bear is a bear from Africa that people from the Nandi tribe have seen and described. European settlers have also reported seeing the bear, and the descriptions sound exactly like a bear, right down to its posture and mannerisms.
The author of this site said that the descriptions had to be the truth or "outright lies or hallucinations". So I guess it's the latter.

The Nandi bear is small, no more than five feet tall when standing on its hind legs. They climb trees and are very good at it, which is how they escape from people. They look almost exactly similar to the European brown bear.

The article makes a comment about how the Nandi bear can be a surviving remnant of the Atlas bear, but then it lists all the things that they don't have in common and why they wouldn't be. So I guess that whole section wouldn't help the side that there is a Nandi bear.

The Nandi could have come from the Middle East and traveled to Eastern Africa when they found the hospitable forests. Then the ew settlers could have destroyed the link that connected the Nandi bears to the brown bears. Since the Nandi bears are now in a new climate and cut off from the other species, they would have picked up all the new traits that the brown bear doesnt have.

Other explanations of the Nandi bear are that it is an undiscovered species of giant baboons. But this is mainly because the Nandi tribes have not had any experience with bears and would have to compare this animal with something that they know, which would be a monkey. Crytptozoologists have compared it to a hyena family. That would explain why it was in the area that it is, and it would look a lot like a bear.