Tuesday, December 4, 2007

college stereotypes


according to this college article, the main stereotypes on their campus are that all the kids do is drink, destroy property, and then have their parents pay the bill.


This article discusses that a lot of older generations this that college is full of a bunch of crazy party animals. Television and movies portray college life as different than what they really are.
Movies and television make say: like to party, stay out late, completely put aside their studies.

Truth is- hours of class during the day, work at least 20 hours, then study time at night or early morning. many college students are full of sleep depervation.

MTV show "Undressed" depicts college students with nothing but raging hormones. There are some that fit this category but many are concerned with that. The same goes for the Spring Break specials.

stereotypes for college life and the students are usually completely false.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The wonders of energy...


According to this website, the human energy field is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind and emotions.

Aura= energetic skin that holds all your inner energy bodies and outer body together.
Chakras= pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy in and out of body.

Your energy field is the instrument of wellness and the source of illness. Your body gets sick or unwell if you are not listening to it. When you become healthy again it's when you listen to our whole self and not just take medicine. Without personal change, you will eventually create another problem that will lead you back to the disease in the first place.

*your aura is a vibrational energy that surrounds your outer physical body in all directions, and it extends both internally and externally. It reacts to your every thought, word, feeling, choice and action instantly.

~the flow of the universe if from energy to matter: energy flows from your inner bodies to create the matter of your physical body.

- your bodies are a balance of six flowing fluid layers and strong grid structure
physical= green physical body. the layer of matter that you see, hear, smell,, touch and taste.
astral- red astral body. emotions and heart energy
causal- orange causal body. the "seed body" where experiences are stored. filters your perception of new information.
mental= blue mental body. attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.
etheric= purple etheric body. intuition, knowingness and guidance.
soul= white soul body. layer of energy that manifests as intuition, knowingness and guidance.

and much much more...